
26. dubna 2009

Zase chřipka

Následující obsáhlý dokument v angličtině je mail, který 25. 4. 2009 poslala rakouská novinářka Jane Burgermeister (již podala žalobu na společnost Baxter za šíření ptačí chřipky) generální ředitelce WHO (Světové zdravotnické organizace). Má se co nejvíce šířit (mail, ne chřipka), tak tady je zatím v angličtině. Doufám, že ho stihnu přeložit.
Stručný obsah: Novinářka hodlá obžalovat ředitelku a další odpovědné osoby a organizace z masové vraždy, pokud jí nebudou poskytnuty do 27. 4. dokumenty o opatřeních přijatých WHO v otázce prasečí chřipky.. Upozorňuje ředitelku na odpovědnost, že pokud WHO vyhlásí pandemii, znamená to automaticky zákonnou povinnost pro všechny občany ve Spojených státech dát se očkovat. Ti, kteří se nedají očkovat, mohou být zastřeleni... (Kdoví, jak je to u nás?) Zdůrazňuje, že pandemie samozřejmě bude spojena s astronomickými zisky pro společnosti vyrábějící virus/léky/vše další potřebné při pandemii a samozřejmě pro ty, kteří kryjí jejich aktivity. Všechny nitky techto protilidských aktivit opět vedou k iluminátům....

Zdroj: přišlo mailem

Zde je první část v českém překladu, obsahuje to nejdůležitější, a zejména, novinářka výborně vystihla podstatu záležitosti.

From: Jane Burgermeister (

Date: April 25, 2009

Subject: Obvinění připravované proti dr. M. Chan a WHO pro zločin masové vraždy

Vážená dr. Margaret Chan,

zasílám vám tento email, abych vás informovala o svém záměru podat v pondělí 27. 4. soudní žalobu proti vám a proti ostatním zaměstnancům WHO a spojených organizací pro vaši roli při vystavení světové populace riziku pandemického viru, který by mohl zabít miliardy lidí, a to dle zákona o boji proti zločinu organizovanému mezinárodními gangsterskými skupinami a rovněž dle konvence Spojených národů o prevenci a trestání genocidy.

Jako veřejný činitel zaměstnaný v mezinárodní organizaci, generální ředitelka Světové zdravotnické organizace se sídlem v Ženevě, máte jako povinnost a součást své oficiální kapacity jednat vždy tak, abyste byla strážcem zdraví světové populace, zejména předcházet „zneužití“ vyhlášení pandemie organizacemi, společnostmi, vládními orgány nebo jinými celky, zaměřenými na vypuštění pandemického viru a poté na získání politických a ekonomických výhod z masové vraždy prostřednictvím programu masové vakcinace kontaminovaným materiálem.

Zprávy médií naznačují, že vaše organizace zneužívá svých administrativních struktur, personálu a prostředků, aby zveličila nebezpečí viru prasečí chřipky a tak ospravedlnila masový vakcinační program nevyzkoušenou a netestovanou vakcínou.

WHO poprvé nařídila všem svým členům, aby nepřetržitě obsluhovali „Místnost pro kontrolu pandemie“ jako reakci na včera v médiích ohlášené případy prasečí chřipky, a je připravena vyhlásit „pandemii“.

Tato „místnost pro kontrolu pandemie“ je určena k mapování a sledování šíření pandemického viru, a tudíž je vybavena superpočítači napojenými na veškeré bezpečnostní síly vlád členských států Spojených národů.

Tato „kontrolní místnost“ je místem, odkud vzejdou veškerá prohlášení o „pandemii“, a já bych byla vděčná, kdybyste mohla zveřejnit seznam lidí, kteří pracují v této kontrolní místnosti.

Když WHO vyšle takovéto „prohlášení“ presidentu Obamovi, dle mých informací zajmou svá postavení FEMA a Oddělení státní bezpečnosti „Protipandemické oddíly“.

Guvernér každého státu bude informován, že budou aplikována opatření zákona o Vzoru naléhavých státních zdravotnických kompetencí (Model State Emergency Health Powers Act - MSEHPA). To znamená, že všichni Američané musí souhlasit s masovou vakcinací, nebo budou obviněni ze těžkého hrdelního zločinu.

Nebylo by lepší, doktorko Chanová, abyste prostě požádala lidi, aby nosili chirurgickou roušku, pokud je zde opravdu reálné nebezpečí pandemie? Proč činit nátlak prostřednictvím vakcinace, aby se lidé trestali střílením?

Zákon praví, že na každého, kdo odmítne očkování a/nebo se staví proti nucenému přemístění do přepravených „karanténních zařízení“, může být „zákonně“ stříleno a může být zabit. (Ospravedlnění „smrtelného násilí“. Viz

Tato fakta určitě znáte.

Tento scénář je tak drastický, že vy ve svém postavení veřejného činitele musíte mít skutečné důkazy o této strašlivé hrozbě pro lidstvo a musíte mít nepochybné důkazy, že vaše činy budou skutečně určeny proti této hrozbě a že je dobrý důvod, proč prostě nedoporučíte lidem nosit chirurgickou masku, když se nechtějí nechat očkovat.

Ze zpráv médií se zdá, že nový druh prasečí chřipky je syntetická strukturální kombinace, obsahuje geny ptáků, lidí a prasat z mnoha různých kontinentů. Proto je důvod se domnívat, že pochází z nějaké laboratoř, obzvláště z laboratoře na výrobu biologických zbraní.

Nebylo by pro WHO lepší, aby se zabývala vyšetřováním, která laboratoř vyrobila a vypustila tento syntetický virus, a ji poté potrestala, nebo aby doporučila lidem nosit chirurgické masky spíše než aby vyhlásila masový vakcinační program?

Podle níže uvedené zprávy Fox News je vaše hodnocení nebezpečí této prasečí chřipky mnohem a mnohem pesimističtější, nežli hodnocení CDC (Americké centrum pro kontrolu nemocí) doporučující pouze obvyklá opatření. Jak to vysvětlujete?

Jak vysvětlujete, proč jste již identifikovali tolik smrtelných případů, zatímco mexická vláda potrvdila pouze 16 úmrtí na tento nový druh chřipky? Jaký je vědecký podklad pro tuto identifikaci? Používáte správnou metodu? Můžete u soudu dokázat, že užíváte správnou metodu, a že prosté doporučení lidem, aby nosili masky, není adekvátní?

Povšimla jsem si rovněž, že nový typ prasečí chřipky se objevil současně v Mexiku a Americe,a to za „záhadných okolností“, což rovněž naznačuje svévolné, plánované a koordinované vypuštění syntetických, v laboratoři vytvořených virů. Neměli byste raději vyšetřovat takový „tajemný“ incident? Vyhlásili jste nějaké vyšetřování? Koho vyšetřujete? Můžete prosím uvést detaily?

WHO je povinna vyčerpat všechny ostatní možnosti dříve, než vyhlásí pandemii a zahájí masový vakcinační program, protože musíte vědět – být informován je součástí povinnosti zastavatele tohoto úřadu – že v roce 1976 byl americkou vládou opuštěn masový vakcinační program proti prasečí chřipce, protože přibývalo důkazů, že riziko očkovacího programu pro veřejnost je větší než riziko skutečné prasečí chřipky.

Je vaší obzvláštní povinností, vzhledem k precedentu v r. 1976, abyste si byla jista, že pod vaší záštitou nebude aplikován žádný masový vakcinační program, pokud nebude skutečně ohrožena veřejnost, tím, že by pandemie byla vyhlášena předčasně a bez fungování adekvátních záruk zajišťujících vysokou kvalitu a bezpečnost každého vakcinačního materiálu.

Musíte také dokázat, že doporučení nosit ochrannou masku není schůdným alternativním postupem při zacházení s jakoukoli takzvanou pandemií.

Tvrdím, že neplníte své povinnosti, a to a) poskytovat veřejnosti přesné informace o ohrožení, které pro ně znamená prasečí chřipka, b) ujistit se, že nevyhlásíte pandemii předčasně jako záminku k rychlému šíření kontaminovaného nebo vadného vakcinačního materiálu, který by mohl vést ke smrti či poškození lidí, jak se stalo v roce 1976.

Jako veřejný činitel, jehož obsahem činnosti je v současné době vyšetřování zapojení firem Baxter a Avir do vypuštění pandemického materiálu ptačí chřipky v Rakousky jste povinna být si plně vědoma detailů tohoto případu a role, kterou tato farmaceutická společnost, zejména Baxter, hrála v tom, že byla téměř spuštěna pandemie.

Měla byste také vědět o trestných obviněních, které jsem vznesla proti Baxterovi a dalším organizacím, včetně WHO, dne 8. 4. 2009 u vídeňského městského prokurátora; jsou dostupná na blogu.

Konzultační centrum WHO poskytlo Baxterovi obzvláště zhoubný divoký typ ptačí chřipky, který kontaminoval materiál proti běžné lidské chřipce, a byl distribuován do 16 laboratoří v Rakousku, České republice, Slovinsku a Německu pod falešnou nálepkou, a tak se ptačí chřipka mohla dle hodnocení expertů a médií v této zimě rozšířit na pandemii.

Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic (6 Mar 2009)

V případě Baxter je proto jasný a dobře dokumentovaný spoj mezi WHO a vypuštěním pandemického materiálu ptačí chřipky v této zimě.

(Pokračování příště).

From: Jane Burgermeister (

Date: April 25, 2009

Subject: Criminal Charges to be filed against Dr M Chan and WHO for mass murder

Dear Dr Margaret Chan,

I am sending this email to inform you that I intend to file criminal charges on Monday Aril 27th against you as well as other employees in the WHO and allied organisations, for your role in exposing the populations of the world to the risk of a pandemic virus that could kill billions of people using laws to fight international racketeering influenced organised crime as well as the UN convention for the prevention and punishment of genocide.

As a public servant employed in an international organisation, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation based in Geneva, you have the duty as part of your official capacity to act at all times in such a way as to safeguard the health of the world's population, specifically to prevent the "misuse" of pandemic declaration by organisations, companies, government bodies or other entities intent on unleashing a pandemic virus and then carrying through a mass vaccination programme with contaminated material in order to gain political and economic advantages from mass murder.

Media reports indicate that your organisation is abusing its administrative structures, personnel and services to play up the danger of the swine flu virus to justify just such a mass vaccination programme with an untried and untested vaccine.

The WHO has ordered all WHO officers to man the "Pandemic Control Room" 24/7 for the 1st time in response to the swine flu cases reported in the media yesterday, and is about to declare a "pandemic".

The WHO "Pandemic Control Room" is designed to map and track the spread of a pandemic virus, and is thus equipped with super-computers tied to all U.N. member government's security forces.

This "control room" is where any declarations of "pandemic" will originate from, and I would be grateful if you could list the names of the people working in that control room.

When WHO sends such a "declaration" to President Obama, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security "Pandemic Task Forces" will be deployed according to my information.

Each State Governor will be notified that the provisions of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) will be implemented. This means that all Americans must consent to mass vaccinations, or be guilty of a FELONY crime.

Would it not, Dr Chan, be better just to ask people who refuse to wear a surgical mask if there is, indeed, a real danger of a pandemic? Why force through a vaccination on pain of being shot?

The legal situation is that anyone who refuses the vaccine, and/or resists forced relocation to a prepared "quarantine compound", can "legally" be shot and killed. (Justified "deadly force".) See

You must be aware of this facts.

This is such a drastic scenario that you in your capacity as a public servant must have real evidence of a dire threat to the population and be prove beyond a doubt that your actions will address that threat and that there is a good reason why you don't simply recommend people were surgical masks if they don't want to take the vaccination.

From media reports, it seems that the new strain of swine flu is a synthetic structural recombinant, it contains genes from birds, humans, and pigs from many different continents. It therefore is reasonable to assume it came out of a laboratory, specifically a bioweapons laboratory.

Wouldn't the WHO be better advised to investigate the lab that manufactured and released this synthetic virus and prosecute them or else recommend people wear surgical masks rather than declare a mass vaccination programme?

According to a report in Fox News below, your assessment of the dangers of this swine flu is by far the most pessimistic with the CDC recommending just customary precautions. How do you explain that?

How do explain why you have identified so many fatalities already while the Mexican government has confirmed only 16 from this new flu strain? What is the scientific basis for your identification? Are you using a correct procedure? Can you prove it in court that you are using the correct procedure and that simply recommending people wear surgical masks is not adequate.

Also, I note that the new strain of the swine flu has appeared in Mexico and America simultaneously, and under "mysterious circumstances" also indicating a deliberate, planned and coordinated release of the synthetic laboratory engineered viruses. Shouldn't you be investigating such a "mysterious" incident? Have you declared an investigation? Who are you investigating? Please give details?

WHO is obliged to exhaust all other avenues before declaring a pandemic and initiating a mass vaccination programme because you must -- as part of your duties to be informed as the holder of such an office -- know that the 1976 swine flu mass vaccination programme was abandoned by the US government because of the mounting evidence that the risk to the general public was greater from the vaccination programme than from the actual swine flu.

It is your especial duty, given this precedent in 1976, to make sure no mass vaccination programme is implemented unless that causes injury to the general public is implemented under your auspices by your declaring a pandemic prematurely and without having adequate safeguards in place to ensure the high quality and safety of any vaccine material.

You also need to show that recommending surgical masks is not a viable alternative approach in dealing with any so-called pandemic.

I contend that you are not fulfilling your duty to a) provide accurate information to the public about the threats posed to them by the swine flu and b) to ensure you do not declare a pandemic prematurely as a pretext to rush through a contaminated or faulty vaccine material that could result in death or injury to people as happened in 1976.

As a public servant whose body is currently investigation the involvement of Baxter and Avir in the release of bird flu pandemic material in Austria, you are obliged to be fully aware also of the details of this case and the role that a pharmaceutical company, namely Baxter, played in almost triggering a pandemic.

You might also be aware of the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and other bodies, including the WHO, in respect of this case on April 8th with the Vienna City Prosecutor since they are available on a blog.

The WHO reference center provided Baxter with the particularly lethal wild type bird flu virus that ended up contaminating ordinary human flu material and being distributed to 16 laboratories in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany under a false label, and so nearly sparking a bird flu pandemic this winter in the estimation of experts and the media.

Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic (6 Mar 2009)

In the Baxter case of this winter, there is therefore a clear, well documented link between WHO and the release of pandemic bird flu material in Europe this winter.

The WHO is, according to reports, conducting an investigation into Baxter and Avir's role in producing and distributing this material, but has so far not made public the results of its investigation or made recommendations in respect of stricter biosecurity rules for laboratories working with the highly pathogenic bird flu virus. Why not?

I contend your failure to conduct a full and detailed investigation into this incident, and to make those findings public or to make clear recommendations as to how to prevent a repeat of this incident is not merely a failure to perform your duty as a public servant but evidence of your role in covering up the real origin of the pandemic virus, specifically, in WHO's own reference center.

In my criminal charges filed with the Vienna City Prosecutor on April 8th, 2009, I alleged that Baxter deliberately tried to trigger a pandemic with the aim of profiting from it by sealing in advance lucrative contracts to supply a vaccination for the bird flu with the Austrian Health Ministry in 2006, specifically the contract sealed with Austrian Health Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat involved supplying 16 million vaccine shots in the event that WHO declared a bird flu pandemic.

In Germany, a vaccination bird flu shot is mandatory ensuring more profits for pharmaceutical companies, and adding to the motivation for companies to trigger a pandemic because they will profit from it, and to take steps to exercise undue influence on members of WHO to declare a pandemic without adequate reason.

Referring to laws on racketeering influenced crime organisations, I argued that high offices in organisations such as the WHO have been annexed by criminal elements who are actually helping to further a criminal agenda of committing murder with the motive of robbery - albeit using covert bioweapons programmes.

As a result of the actions of Baxter, at least 35 people in Austria and in the Czech Republic were given preventative treatment against bird flu and the ordinary human flu in hospital. This underlines that in the professional opinion of the medical personnel there was a real, concrete and specific danger from Baxter and WHO's contaminated material to the health of those individuals, such that administering medicines was considered necessary. I understand the Czech laboratory staff who came into contact with Baxter's contaminated and who first reported it on February 6th material were placed in quarantine.

Given the fact that this incident happened only a few weeks ago and your organisation is involved in it in as far as it supplied a) a lethal strain of the bird flu virus and b) is investigating the incident, it is your duty to be aware of all details, allegations of criminal intent, evidence for those allegations and refutations of those allegations because there are so many parallels with this new "swine flu" case, also involving a synthetic structure that has mysteriously appeared in two places simultaneously.

In particular, you are obliged to be informed about the fact that Baxter uses biosafety level 3 regulations when handling the highly pathogenic bird flu virus that WHO sent the company from its reference center, and that under these biosafety 3 regulations an accidental contamination of the deadly bird flu virus strain you sent you're your reference center to Baxter with a human flu is virtually impossible.

You must also be aware of the research of Jeffery K. Taubenberger of the Department of Molecular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology into the bird flu virus and specifically his reconstruction of the deadly strain of the bird flu virus from the genetic material retrieved from victims of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919.

Although many researchers and NGOs issued warnings that resurrecting this lethal virus was dangerous to the public, the WHO has been one of the biggest supporters of continuing research into this bioengineered virus and into its "antidotes" spending millions of tax payers dollars on research and prevention programmes.

You must be aware that it was only last summer that scientists published in scientific journals evidence that showed that the bird flu can mix with the human flu virus to produce a pandemic virus in a laboratory situation.

You must also be aware of the ongoing criminal investigation in Poland into the deaths of homeless people after they were given a bird flu trial vaccination by doctors and nurses last summer.

There is therefore, I argue, ample evidence within the public domain to show that pharmaceutical companies and government organisations and other agents are knowingly and intentionally creating pandemic virus material and, as we saw in Austria, this winter unleashing it on the population, and trying to cover up their involvement.

Should you and WHO now declare a pandemic for the swine flu in the USA, and should people die as a direct result of the vaccination programme you initiate, or should there be significant evidence of harm or injury to people as a direct result of the mass vaccination programme you initiate, as happened in 1976, you could find yourself charged not with a conspiracy to mass murder but with mass murder itself.

Furthermore, the WHO, as far as I am informed, has published a study outlining the economic impact of a pandemic virus.

If you as part of your office help criminal organisations who have annexed high offices of state to carry out their crimes, to ignite and then declare a pandemic, that disrupts the economy, then you, other leading individuals working for WHO in an official capacity and WHO, as an organisation, could also liable not only for criminal charges but also for damages flowing from class action lawsuits filed not just by citizens of American but by citizens or company around the world that see their revenues decline as a direct result of the pandemic being unleashed, and the subsequent havoc to the economy.

If there is a pandemic declaration by WHO and mass deaths from the vaccination programme, I foresee a situation were you and the WHO could find thousands of people are filing criminal charges but also class action law suits.

I contend there is evidence from the pattern of your activities concerning the Baxter case that you, under the color of your office while purporting to act in an official capacity, are actually acting on behalf of hidden crime interests intent on igniting a pandemic and misusing a declaration of a pandemic to gain political and financial advantages, a group which I designate as the Illuminati crime gang.

The declaration of a pandemic by WHO has direct political and financial and other advantages to elements in the US government, especially elements I argue belong to the Illuminati/New World Order/CIA/Freemason crime gang, who are now being considered for investigation for sanctioning torture in Guantanamo in violation of the US and international law, specifically Donald Rumsfeld (who has financial connections with an anti bird flu Tamiflu producer), Richard Cheney and Alberto Gonzales.

The imposition of martial law will help anyone suspected of violating laws to torture to avoid prosecution in the United States, although a case is pending in Spain.

I contend that you are abusing your office as Director General of WHO, knowingly and intentionally, to help the Illuminati achieve their political and financial goals.

I contend there is already today, Saturday, evidence that you are intentionally manipulating information on the swine flu outbreak that allegedly started yesterday to play up the danger of a pandemic in order to justify the implementation of a mass vaccination programme while ignoring and suppressing information that indicates this response is not proportionate to the risk.

Finally, I ask you to please provide me by Monday 10am April 27th Central European Time in the form of email attachments, links, legal memos etc the following documentation so that I can review it before submitting fresh criminal charges related to this matter.

Specifically, I ask you to send me or to instruct one of your personnel to send me

1) The studies you have to date on the swine flu vaccination you intend to inoculate the US population with, with clear evidence from respected scientific sources such as clinical trials reported in peer reviewed scientific journals as to their unequivocal safety:

2) Information as to the genetic sequence of the swine flu strain detected by WHO in victims of the "swine flu" outbreak in Mexico and America so far;

3) Information as to which companies WHO has contracted to provide a swine flu vaccination and under what terms and conditions, including quality assurance, financial terms and conditions;

4) A detailed account of all the safety procedures and independent reviews that WHO has put into place for ensuring any vaccination meets recognised standards of safety and quality;

5) Documents proving that you have the legal authority in the case of a swine flu to declare a pandemic and enforce mass vaccinations for the swine flu on the population in the form of legal memos, rulings etc.

Please send all the above documents as email attachments.

If you miss the Monday deadline, I will argue in my submission to the court that you do not have the documents.

I ask you to make sure you keep a copy of the email to me so that you can prove to a court that you a) had all the requisite authority and documents and b) that you had them at hand and available for public and legal scrutiny at short notice in an emergency situation as is your obligation as a public servant.

I will argue that if you have ordered your WHO officers to man the pandemic control room 24/7 from Friday April 24, as reported in the media, then you have an extra obligation to be on duty yourself this weekend and your failure to be on duty in the event of an emergency you have declared is a violation of the rules of conduct of your office.

As you have sufficient personnel at hand, I will argue, you can delegate this job of collecting the documents and materials I request in 1)-5) to a member of your staff and still be available to follow the "pandemic" which you claim is occurring.

If you send me these documents after the Monday deadline, please make sure to keep a copy of the email so that you can prove in a court of law that you had the necessary authority, and documents proving you had that authority at hand, and could present them speedily as is required of a public servant in such an "emergency".

In case you wish to study the criminal charges I have filed on April 8th and wish to be able to better comprehend the legal basis for the criminal charges that I will file on Monday April the 27th, I attach a copy in German.

I can also suggest my blog where I have published the charges in an English translation, though only the first 20 pages or so have so far been translated.

The introduction on the blog, however, also gives an outline of my evidence and arguments.

I am also copying in below two media reports that give substance to some of the allegations I make in this email, underlining relevant points, including the information indicating this new strain of a swine flu could be a bioweapon "mysteriously" released.

If you have any comments or would like to point out any facts you think are errors please get back to me as soon as possible. I would be happy to answer any questions.

Regards, Jane

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